I sat in a small queue yesterday at the temporary traffic lights, doing some consumer testing for the summer. There are about 200 yards of road to complete and I thought there would be a tiny chance that on Saturdays throughout the summer there would be no lights. But apparently not, the lights are scheduled to be on til the end of October. I hope common sense prevails and that the road will be open traffic light free this Saturday and for forthcoming summer holiday Saturdays; otherwise for those coming via Welshpool there could be long delays. For avoidance information please do call me.
For those who know the old route prior to 2012 very well, then a very good read can be had from the archaeological report commissioned prior to the improvements being implemented. When finished, it will be a major improvement for those travelling to Barmouth and surrounding area, at the expense of some history.
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Common sense does seem to have prevailed! I travelled back on Saturday evening and the carriageway was fully laid and there were no lights. The project still has a way to completion but it looks as if the lights will not be on at peak holiday travel times. Fingers crossed!